The AHM-1 anti-helicopter mine is
designed to destroy in fragments low
flying helicopters by blast cores and
pressure shock within 150 m range.


Basic characteristics of PVM-1
Acoustic sensor range, m up to 500
Doppler SHF sensor range, m up to 150
Fuse non-contact
Safe time after setting in fighting condition, min 35
Maximum duration of fighting condition, days 30
Operational temperature range minus 200 to +500
Storage temperature minus 400 to +600
Warehouse storage, years 10
Shed storage, years 2
Fighting condition setting time, min 15
Major characteristics
Warhead characteristics PVM-1A PVM-1B PVM-1C
Destruction range, m 100 150 150
Fragment weight, kg 0.032 0.225 0.032/0.225
Explosive weight, kg 18 8.5 18/8.5
Fragments, number 800 5 800/5
Mine weight in a wooden case, kg 50 32 50/32
Destruction probability, % 0.75 0.080 0.85
Warhead and stand height, m 0.550 0.500 0.800
Warhead dimensions, mm 760 x 280 x 100 760 x 140 x 120 760 x 280 x100

760 x 140 x120

Explosive type

• steel fragments – PVM-1A

• shaped charges with blast steel plate – PVM-1B

• combined warhead with fragments and shaped charges – PVM-1C

Manufacturer Institute of Metal Science