Hartford International Group deliver and supply the 122 mm 9M28F “GRAD-1” ROCKET. This 122 mm rocket is designed to destroy enemy armaments and motorized units, shutting them down before they have a chance to fire back and do damage to allied infantry and targets. The rockets are also strong enough to defeat enemy manpower and also rain havoc on entrenched and protected targets.
The 122 mm 9M28F “GRAD-1” rocket is also an effective weapon against enemy communication lines, supplies, strongpoints and field defense constructions. They are ideal for breaking through enemy defenses and outlook posts, especially when aimed at weaknesses in physical defenses. It can destroy railway junctions, headquarters and also concentrated forces that are gathered in tight spaces. With volley firing, it’s also an effective weapon to clear out large crowds of enemy infantry.
The rocket is fired from a BM-21 “GRAD” multiple-launch rocket system and they are sold in single rockets at 82kg per packed rocket. Against manpower, the weapon has an effective range of 708 m2 due to the shrapnel and explosive nature. Against combat equipment, there is an effective range of 225 m2. The weapon is destructive in nature and a tool commonly used by both army corps and private military companies alike.
Caution must be used when utilizing the 122 mm 9M28F “GRAD-1” rocket in your arsenal. This is because the radius of effect is 708 m2 for infantry. Although this makes it a fantastic weapon for long-range clearing of infantry, it also makes it a difficult weapon to use when allied forces are nearby and should only be used to bombard enemy forces before infantry moves in.
However, the area of effect for equipment is only 225 m2, meaning it does significantly less damage to structures. This means the rocket must be aimed correctly and accurately in order to deal maximum damage to the communications equipment, fortifications and motorized units. This makes it relatively effective against moving jeeps and other vehicles, but it mainly designed to take out logistics equipment that is stationary yet vital to enemy forces and their operations.
Due to the effectiveness of this weapon at destroying temporary fortifications, it has become a staple in many private military companies as well as army corps. The power of these rockets combined with the BM-21 “GRAD” Multiple-Launch Rocket System is incredibly potent and a must-have for any military group that wants extra firepower to weaken an enemy before sending ground infantry into a hostile area.
Detailed Characteristics
The 122 mm 9M28F “GRAD-1” rocket weighs approximately 55 kg. The range is a maximum of 14,000 m and the maximum velocity is at 500 m/s. There’s a big and small spoiler ring and the safe operational temperature range is between -50 and 50 °С.
The weapon is fired from a BM-21 “GRAD” multiple-launch rocket system with support for 40 barrels and at a rate of two rockets per second.
The rockets are packed in individual cases with a weight of 82 kg and dimensions of 2236 x 290 x 250 mm.