Sound & Flash Hand Grenade GH S&F-1-01 – 13

The Sound & Flash Hand Grenades GH S&F-1-01 and GH S&F-13 are designed for use in special operations when arresting armed criminals or for interrupting mass riots.
The GH S&F-1-01 causes temporary neutralization and disorientation through a very powerful flush and thunder.
The GH S&F-13 is designed to stimulate automatic firing with an effect of action – successive or group automatic firing effects of up to 2.5 s after blasting.


Grenade type GH S&F-1-01 GH S&F-13
Body diameter, mm 35 51
Height with fuse DVM-IM, mm 120 120
Weight, g 100 160
Intensity of the sound (thunder), dB 160-172
Time of delayed action after pulling the arming pin and releasing the handle, s not less than 1.5 not less than 1.5
Effect of explosions intense thunder and blinding light Automatic firing effects of up to 2.5 s with 12-13 pcs of automatic firing elements