Hartford International Group deliver and supply 40 mm cartridge tear gas. The chemicals in these cartridge tear gas rounds are effective at causing irritation and pain in their targets, as well as potential bleeding and temporary blindness.
Hartford International Group offers three varieties of 40 mm cartridge tear gas.
40mm Cartridge Tear Gas (03 projectiles)
CTG2 3P is the standard cartridge tear gas used by private military companies and police forces around the world. It’s excellent for us against crowds and in riots that have gotten out of hand. With a minimum range of 75 m, these can be used at a fairly standard range and are perfect for all situations.
40mm Cartridge Tear Gas (long range)
CTG2 LR has a minimum effective range of 135 m and a smoke emission time of 20 to 30 seconds as well. Thanks to the range, these are perfect for long-range engagements where operatives could be in danger when fighting up close to the enemy. Forcing a retreat and using long-range cartridge tear gas is a viable option against unprotected and unsuspecting targets.
40mm Cartridge Tear Gas (short range)
CTG2 SR is the short-range version of the 40 mm cartridge tear gas. With an effective range of 80 – 120 m and a smoke emission time of around 20 to 30 seconds, this is an effective form of area control and denial in addition to dispersing crowds. This short-range variety can also be used indoors when there is a heavy hostile presence in an area.