Radio Station R-173M
Frequencyrange 30.000 ÷ 75.999 kHz
Step 1 kHz
Transmitter power in normal voltage of the board net not less than 30W
Frequency instability of radio station not more than ±1,5 kHz
Deviation of the transmitter frequency:
For analog signals, kHz 5±20%;
For digital lnformation, kHz 5,6±20%;
Receiver sensitivity at the time of regime working of analog signals:
with interference transmitter turned off not more than 1,5 µV
with interference transmitter turned on not more than 3 µV
Receiver sensitMty in the range of the frequencies at the time ofreceiving of digital information with coefficient oferror 1.10 I-notmorethan 2µV
Output voltage of the receiver in analog regime: Conversational system regime not less than 1lV;
Terminal devices regime 0,52 ±0,1V
Receiver selectivity over mirror channels 1 and 2 intermediate frequencies, and over first intermediate
frequency, as well 100dB
Storage of 10 prepared beforehand frequencies
Needed time for switching the frequencies not more than 3s
Radio station supplying by constant electricity and voltage +27V from the board net
Consumed electricity from the radio station at normal voltage ofthe board net:
receiving regime not more than 1,5A
transmitting regime not more than 9A
Dimensions of the receiver-transmitter along with the pad(damper) 428 x 222 x 239mm
Weight ofthe main radio station set not more than 43 kg
Radio stationis efficient within the temperature interval of-50 and +50 °C and relative air humidlty up to 96% at atemperature +40 °C
Radio station efficiency is stored when voltage of the board net changes from 22V up to 29V and in the
presence of impulses in the board net at over-voltage with an amplitude up to 70V and continuity up to 3ms